Coachella 2014

I’m finally getting around to writing about Coachella. It was a weird one, but i still had fun of course. I think the problem was we just tried to plan this big group of all of us camping together. Meeting up at denny’s, stocking up on supplies at the Von’s, then meeting up again at a hotel parking lot outside of the camp grounds. When you actually make it inside and get everyone situated, then trying to get on the same page, it’s frustrating to say the least. Usually I just peaced out and did my own thing.

This being my 3rd Coachella, I think i’m starting to get the hang of it.The trick this year was don’t get drunk and do cocaine in the middle of the day when it’s 105 out. Do go back and forth between the Do Lab and Yuma Tent until the sun goes down.

Well here are some videos and vines I made when I wasn’t too fucked up. I have the pictures zipped up and stored on my ownCloud and don’t feel like posting them :p