VPN Between OPNsense and Sonicwall

The scenario is two networks on the OPNsense side, one on the Sonicwall’s. Changing the defaults for a little bit of security. Both sides also have static IPs but this setup also worked when the OPNsense’s was dynamic. Using IKEv2…

Home Assistant Alarm Clock

It took me a bit to get an alarm clock going in Home Assistant. I also wanted to try waking up to the light gradually turning on instead of sound. The first thing you will need two input booleans in…

Google Assistant to Telegram Group

Found this useful if you use Telegram. Create an IFTTT applet to text a Telegram group whenever you say Ok, Google tell group blah blah blah. I have created the IFTTT Applet and left it open to configure. I have…

Home Assistant Lovelace Theme

If you haven’t done so already create a www folder and a themes.yaml in config. In the configuration.yaml change the frontend to: In the themes.yaml file we just add the following: download this wallpaper and place it in the www…

PowerCLI vCPU Report

The bosses like reports with headers, this should get you there. Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{“Runtime.PowerState” =”poweredOn”} | Where { $_.Guest.GuestFullname} | Sort Name | Select-Object Name, @{N=”vCPU”; E={$_.Config.Hardware.NumCpu}}, @{N=”Sockets”; E={[string]([int]($_.Config.Hardware.NumCpu / $_.Config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket))}}, @{N=”Cores”; E={$_.Config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket}}, @{N=”MemoryMB”; E={$_.Config.Hardware.MemoryMB}}, @{N=”HardwareVersion”;E={$_.Config.Version}}, @{N=”CPU HotAdd”;…