Category Tech

Coffee Shop Spotify Playlist

So I got a Premium Spotify account after I updated to lollipop on my phone and found out i couldn’t use Pandora Patcher anymore. While reading around, I came across this comment of someone saying they would rather pay for…

10 Days as an Instagram Bot

One day I stumbled across It’s pretty much an Instagram bot that takes over your account, which you configure it with hashtags for the bot to go out and find pictures and profiles based on those tags. The site…


Here is a tip to extend your battery life if you have a rooted android device. Get Greenify. Put Instagram and Facebook in hibernation. Now enjoy.

My Two Cents on Bitcoin

I first got into bitcoin at the end of March 2013 after news broke about the people of Cyprus putting their money in bitcoin at the threat of bank bailouts. Just the thought of that alone peaked my interest in…

Popcorn Time!

I haven’t been blogging much so I thought I would take the time to write about Popcorn Time. Popcorn Time is an app available for windows, mac, and linux that allows you to stream movies from torrents! You can give…

How to Tweet Instagram Photos

If you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed Instagram pictures in my Twitter feed. This is possible with It’s a site were you make “recipes”. Like in this example if I post a photo to Tumblr it…

iOS 7 Beta

Installed iOS 7 Beta on my 4s today. It is a little buggy but I think im going keep using it. Some of the bugs I have noticed are: when opening apps they don’t line up with the screen until…

My week so far with Office 365

Moved our mailboxes off exchange 2007 and into Microsoft’s 365 cloud. My boss hired “office 365 experts”. We have multiple email domains in our environment. During the migration some mailboxes synced with errors. We had to get all the sent…

Upgrade WordPress from 3.4.2 to 3.5.1

Just upgraded then wrote this. Well I didn’t even know there was an update to 3.5 because usually the dashboard tells you. I guess there is no automatic upgrade. I downloaded the zip from wordpress, and extracted the files. Backed…

Sony VSP-NS7

Sony vsp-ns7 is a digital signage appliance. My work has one, and I was given the task to reprogram it. I have never worked with one of these before. The main reason for this post is the frustration I had…

Android vs. iPhone

I never thought I would ever have an iPhone. I have had an Android Phone since the first Droid came out. I guess I just liked the idea behind Google’s linux-based phone and it’s open-ness. Apple is just so expensive,…

User not appearing in global address list

Well I haven’t posted in awhile so I thought I would write about this because I just ran into this issue. I made a new user and mailbox, changed their email address, and that user was not appearing under the…

Sipwise sip:providerCE a free VoIP solution

Sipwise’s sip:providerCE v2.6 is a free VoIP solution that works…that’s about it, it doesn’t work great but it does work. It could have been my environment, but I don’t think the setup is anything special. First I installed sip:providerCE virtual…

AOC-SIMLP-3(+) Configuration

I had to install this remote access card into one of my clients servers. The documentation was pretty straight forward, boot off install CD and run IPMICFG.exe to configure, except when you boot of the CD and it’s doesn’t recognize…

Engenius ECB9500 POS

The other day I had to swap out one of my client’s old access point with this Engenius ECB9500. By default it is configured as a wireless bridge and has an IP of I log into it change the…

Root Droid X with Ice Cream Sandwich

There is a bunch of posts out there on how to root your Droid X then put Ice Cream Sandwich on it, so I just consolidated the info. The Zip file below contains everything you need. Just download the zip…


Pinstagram is a Pinterest-like web-based application for Instagram. Ever since I have discovered it, I have had a tab dedicated to the site. You can pin your friends images to your Pinterest page, or like and comment as you would…


I used to use PDAnet before wireless tethering apps, but then Verizon had to start blocking tethering if you weren’t paying for it, so back to PDAnet I went. The newest version 3.50 has a wireless tether option, but I…


WebDroid is a web server on your Android phone. It allows you to access your phone’s file system from any web broswer over a wi-fi network. It have options for changing the server port and the ability to set a…

Rooting ZTE Score / Google Voice

I found myself in a sticky situation and without a phone. Needing a phone quick I went to Cricket and got the cheapest Android phone I could get, which was the ZTE Score. After purchasing the phone I came to…

Phone Factor – Two Factor Authentication

If you want to be really secure now days you need more than just a password. you need another type of authentication. Blood is the best thing to use to authenticate yourself, DNA is like 1,000,000,000x unique. Wouldn’t it be…